remigailos {family}

Despite the heavy rain, we tried our very hardest to make these pictures happen. 
Why? Because they will be gone all summer and yesterday was the only day we could do it.
Rain wasn't going to stop us.
Thankfully, the rain cleared and the sun shone through. 
And I was so happy it did.

the shaws {family}

This sweet lady happens to be a photographer who was and is an extremely influential mentor in my photography career. 
She asked me to take photos of her (and her husband) because she is re-doing her website and needed so updated photos and I was so, so happy to take them.
Yes, I love the Shaws.  
(Aren't they precious?!)

dormans {family}

This family might as well be the cutest family on Earth. 
So sweet, joyful and kind.
Oh, not to mention adorable.
I don't need to tell you that, though, because I'm pretty sure these photos show it.

the humphreys {family}

When I first woke up, I was a little afraid of the storm clouds that gathered outside my window.
But despite the clouds, we continued with the shoot. 
And I am so glad we did because this family is absolutely precious.